Thursday, December 9, 2010

Dream Analysis

Even though I could remember it I knew that I had had this dream before. I was some sort of small dinosaur creature, that looked all cuddly and cute. I lived with my five other dinosaur creature friends in the middle of a dirty swamp. the water was all merky and we were surrounded by tall grass. All of my friends were similar to me in the way that they were all samller than a cat and looked very cuddle worthy. There was only one member of the group that could fly, they were a Taradatul and also the smallest, which is saying a lot because literally none of us were much bigger than a robin.

In the dream we had to hide very quickly because we had found out somehow that the inspectors were coming to find us. The inspectors were the FBI agents from the cartoon show Johnny Test. The inspectors came raging through our swamp and found all of me and my friends. They locked us in individual cages like ones for chickens. The cages were placed in gigantic barn that was the size of a warehouse, where there were lots and lots of other creatures captured and in the same types of cages. All the cages were stacked stacked on top of each other with isles in between. The floor of the barn it turned out was water and the cages floated on top of it. The water was completely calm not a single wave ran through it.

Once we were left alone, i excaped from my cage and swam over to my friends like a duck, keeping everything except my legs out of the water. After we had al excaped a gondola appeared before us that was just our size. We climbed in and began to go around opening all of the cages, but nothing followed us out. We paddled to the enormous front doors of the barn and opened them. The inspectors were waiting for us outside and this time I recognized them as actually beign FBI. They stood in a semi circle around us with guns pointed at us. They were waiting there to catch the aliens, us.

We were now on land and had to run for safety. Two of my group suddenly just vanished and I was down to three friends. We ran up a large powerline tower but it was very thin. At the top there was a wooden board that was like a diving board. Although it had been day when we started running it had turned to night when we climbed the tower. Looking at the board I knew we had to jump or we would be caught.

It was at this point in the dream that I was aware that the last time I had had this dream I did not jump, but this time I did. I jumped and grabbed onto the one of us that could fly and my other friend fell far below me. However I was too big for my little flying friend to carry so we both just fell after a few moments of struggling. We fell down to a river that was below us, but we never hit the water because I woke up.

1. Psychoanalytic View: I could be afraid of being to controled, fearing my life would become a cage. Also I am afraid of taking the plunge to be completely on my own. While in the barn the situation is calm and quiet, like represetning my feelings of ease at someone else making the important decisions but still I feel I need to excape because I do want to be independent.However once I escape the situation changes to one of fear and intensity meaning that taking the plunge scares me but I will still do it. Perhaps when I first had this dream I wasn't ready to take the plunge and that is why I didn't jump.The fact that I try to hold on to my friend to stay up could represent my need to have a small amount of help to get on my feet. The inspecors/FBI agents coudl represent those that I feel are holding me back. Although in the begining of my dream I have five friend in the end I only have two. This could represent the people I feel closest to, the ones I know will stick by me the whole way. The fact that I am a small insignificant creature could represent my feeling that I can't change the situation, meaning there will be a very strong and intimidating force against me. Also even thought the dream could have possible not been finished just because I woke up, the incompleteness could also mean that I can not know the outcome and no one does, we just have to trust and go for it. The manifest content is the imager such as the barn, swamp, or tower, etc. The latent content is what those those things or situations represent.

2. Biological View: The thought of what do to do after Highschool. To move out? To go to school? What school? Go traveling? Work for a year? All of these questions could have spurred me to have this dream because no one can make the correct decision for me, I have to do it myself and since it is a very big choice to make it causes stress and the stress could result in the dream.

3. Cognitive Perspective: I only someone agree with this view of things because although I believe me dream has told me to just suck it up and take the plunge for an independent life I do not think I have found any answers of how to solve the problem, there has been no clear resolution of what I should do after Highschool. However I do understand that I will be able to do it even without know my outcome.

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